April 22, 2020

Dearest friends, 

Hope you’re all safe and well. 

It’s been 5 weeks since we started working from home, 4 weeks since the UK was officially in lockdown. We want to thank everyone who has been doing their part by staying at home, you wonderful people working for NHS and all those key workers who keep our country running. 

Here at Cariki, we have both gone home to stay with our families outside London but rest assured you will still receive your orders (apologies if it’s a tad slower in the post) as Sam has taken all the stock with her and will dispatch all your orders as a one-man band. As with many of you, we have been staying in touch virtually! 

cariki during corona virus

It’s a strange feeling when you realise you’re living through a historical moment in time and can be a little overwhelming. Personally I had to turn off notifications from the news for a while as it was making me panic and spiral down a rabbit hole of fear! 


When faced with adversity, human beings have a great way of shining and sometimes a little light relief is just what we need. 

Inspirational people like Captain Tom Moore, a WW2 veteran, captured the hearts of the country and raised over £27million for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday. 

thomas moore corona virus nhs


Online viral trends have also been encouraging people to run 5k, donate £5 and nominate 5 more people to complete the challenge. We’re lucky here in England that we can still leave the house for one form of exercise so here’s mine 🙈

run 5k for nhs covid19

With many industries being forced to close during this time, inspirational everyday people have been coming forward with their stories. Look no further than a few scrolls on Linkedin.

pilot nhs covid


brewdog corona

In times of difficulty and crisis, some companies fall short of expectation and some exceed it. Here is a great article highlighting a few companies who have gone the extra mile to help those in need: 

Staying at home opens many doors to productivity and I’m sure you’re inundated with videos and articles on home workouts, learning a language, learning a new skill etc etc which is obvs is amazing. However, don’t feel bad if you just want to chill! Take it easy, watch that series, lol at the memes, and why not try learning those TikTok dances…


Not much got done today on the job site ##blindinglights

♬ original sound - theinspiredunemployed

If you are missing your gym classes and not a fan of running, there are plenty of online videos to keep you fit. My gym in London has been live streaming and posting their videos - gets a nice sweat going in your room!

That’s all from me today folks, I leave you with Usain's latest post on social distancing 💚

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Social Distancing #HappyEaster

A post shared by Usain St.Leo Bolt (@usainbolt) on


Take care and stay safe.

Big love,

Sam and Tom

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